Here’s an article I overlooked! Another chance to a good charitable thing, while enjoying your Xbox 360 even more. The website is reporting a new Xbox 360 Family Games pack for Charity. With an MSRP of a mere $29.99, not only would you get THREE full games, but you would be supporting The Children’s Miracle Network. The article claims that 100% of the proceeds will go to the charity, and you’ll walk away with a handful of mediocre games (but who cares, maybe you can just abuse the achievements in them!?). Included are Shrek the Third, Sonic The Hedgehog, and Viva Piñata Party Animals. If it actually goes on sale October 7th, like the article says, I’ll be sure to pick it up and do my part to feel good, and get rewarded for it! 😉
Tag: Charity
My sister taking part in a 10k AIDS walk… got a dollar?
A few days ago, I received a message from my sister. I’ve cut it up a little bit, here, but I wanted to deliver the general information in pretty much the same way she presented it to me. It’s a little humorous, that’s our writing style, as siblings. Anyway, the deal is she set up an account with AIDS Walk Los Angeles. She set a simple goal of $150. I would like to see her exceed that goal. After Edith’s Goal (more on that later), I think us helping her attain that $150 should be simple.
Now, I know this isn’t my traditional “gaming for charity” sort of thing, but keep in mind, that my sister is most certainly a gamer. And as always, it’s for a good cause! I don’t do these things for tax breaks, I barely do my taxes – I do these things for the sake of charity! I want to thank anyone who can give, any little bit helps reach her goal. So then, here’s what my sister had to say:
Once an while I get a charity thing in my head and… here it is.
The organization has provided me with a form letter to follow as a guideline so I’ve annotated it with a little extra information. Read on:
I am writing to let you know that I have registered for AIDS Walk Los Angeles and am very excited about the event [This is true]. This is a very important issue to me so I have set an ambitious fundraising goal [the ambitious thing is not so true]. I want to do as much as I can to make a difference in the lives of men, women, and children affected by HIV and AIDS. Even though there has been a lot of publicity about drug treatments which are prolonging some people’s lives, they don’t work for everyone and there is still no cure in sight [good general information]. Moreover, young people are still getting infected at alarmingly high rates [also true, but the old folks homes are another place it’s a big problem and I’m not kidding].
I want your help [Yes, need it]. Will you please sponsor me for the AIDS Walk [pretty please?]? Just click on the website address below to enter my personalized web page and charge your donation [They’ve assured me it’s secure]. Thank you, in advance, for supporting this important cause and for showing that you join me in wanting to end this epidemic [and if you do you rock, seriously].
And that’s that. Thanks for real if you can help out and if you can’t, send the link on to someone who can.
Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support AIDS Walk Los Angeles.
On her personal web page for the AIDS Walk, she also notes: “If you guys could kick down a little I’d really appreciate it. It’s a good cause. And yes, I’ll really walk it.” 😉 It’s a 10k walk, and you can get even more details here.
Want Rock Band 2 for Xbox 360? Austin, TX can win…
I was browsing for interesting stories, like I do, and found this one. Austin, Texas residents will have a chance to compete in multiple games and win some great prizes. Madden 08, Rock Band 2, Super Smash Brothers, and even I-Play Bowling will all be played at this charity event being held on September 17th, in Austin. Your $20 entry fee will be donated directly to The ESA Foundation, which has a program that provides game development scholarships. Sounds like a fun event to attend, if you’re going to be in the area. I certainly wish that I was!
Girl Geek auction: 1 of a Kind X-Plorer on eBay!
It must be ladies week here at WinBreak, as the trend continues. Online store “” (newbies, for the uninitiated) has begun an online charity auction to benefit the Starlight Children’s Foundation. The charity fund raiser was started, earlier today, up by eWiz’ Girl Geek section of the website. From the auction: “NewBiiz launched “Girl Geek” to promote women’s presence in the male-dominated PC and gaming industry. The site covers interesting tech articles, upcoming expos and LAN shows, hot products and most importantly, it features Girl Geeks who have made their own mark in the tech industry.“
The site sells a majority of PC Hardware, but in this auction, you have a chance to bid on a Guitar Hero X-Plorer controller, designed specifically for this charity event, and autogrpahed by Ciji (find out more about this superstar on her myspace, youtube, website, Gotcast, and her GamerTag).