Girl Geek auction: 1 of a Kind X-Plorer on eBay!

It must be ladies week here at WinBreak, as the trend continues. Online store “” (newbies, for the uninitiated) has begun an online charity auction to benefit the Starlight Children’s Foundation. The charity fund raiser was started, earlier today, up by eWiz’ Girl Geek section of the website. From the auction: “NewBiiz launched “Girl Geek” to promote women’s presence in the male-dominated PC and gaming industry. The site covers interesting tech articles, upcoming expos and LAN shows, hot products and most importantly, it features Girl Geeks who have made their own mark in the tech industry.

The site sells a majority of PC Hardware, but in this auction, you have a chance to bid on a Guitar Hero X-Plorer controller, designed specifically for this charity event, and autogrpahed by Ciji (find out more about this superstar on her myspace, youtube, website, Gotcast, and her GamerTag).