Here’s another long winded post – but enjoy it. Most of you know I’m always on the hunt for good news. I love to do good things, to try and prove to people that not everyone who plays a video game becomes a serial killer.
In the vain of good things, I am working on a pretty big thing right now. But until the right time comes for that announcement, I’m going to keep it mostly under wraps. But that doesn’t mean that nothing’s going on in the world of good.
TXPaladin. You may remember the name from an early Better Know a Gamer. He contacted me a few hours ago. He’s up to something pretty spectacular. He and his wife, actually.
TXPaladin’s wife, Edith, will be taking part in a charity 3-day walk against Breast Cancer. Susan G. Komen for the Cure is putting on this walk, and donations are currently being sought. TXPaladin’s wife entered this charity event, but now our Texan friend is putting a spin on it. In order to help his wife raise a $2,200 pledge, he is trying to seek out 360 individuals willing to donate $6.12 each. That already sounds fun, different, and honorable, but there’s more. Your donation of $6.12 entitles you to be entered in to a drawing. The winner will receive a prize pack fit for a hero.
The $6.12 divided over 360 people will raise a small excess of the target amount, but I’m not about to write a check for $6.1111111 and see what the bank does next. 😉 And while he does say he is looking exclusively for Xbox gamers, I’m sure any donation is welcome, even those from PS3 owners, Wii owners, or any short of or in excess of $6.12. It’s charity, for goodness sake, people! 🙂
This is where it gets personal. My grandmother is a 10+ year (closer to 15 now) survivor of breast cancer! I have done work in the past to combat cancer; but every chance I get, you can bet I will show my support. I will do my best to assist TXPaladin in recruiting more for the prize pack, but even if my efforts are fruitless, he can count on my donation… I just have to pay my electric bill, first. 😉 Hey, back off! What good is a Gamertag without electricity?
Meanwhile, I am working on a top-secret project to try and be a hero of my own.
Until then, I’m going to help show The Power of 360.