The award goes to Sony for most creative Spin!

I had a late day at work, then relaxed with a HD-DVD viewing experience on my beloved Xbox 360. But as I powered on my Playstation 3 tonight, I was greeted with a message – it wanted me to perform a system update. It seems that Firmware 2.41 has been released today.

I expected to fix those nasty problems we heard about, late last week. Well, rest easy, now that SCEA is back from the holiday (what was SCEJ doing?). Well, before installing it, I wanted a little more assurance that it was ready to go, so I loaded up the official Playstation blog. In the most carefully spun story of the week, Sony wrote:

“As many of you know, we released PS3 firmware update v2.40 last week, but had to take it offline temporarily because, for a limited number of users, the XMB wouldn’t display after the update was installed.

And they aren’t just talking about the new “in-game” XMB (Cross Media Bar) – they mean the main menu of the console. 😉 No games, no BluRay movies, no nothing. Creative wording, trying to downplay the seriousness of the problems – but at least a fix finally arrived. As I was writing this, I was downloading and installing the update, myself. I’m at the main menu (which finally has a time and date!) – and it appears that not a single one of my friends has found any trphies, yet. Looks like we all have to get started!

Additional note, anyone looking for me on the Playstation network shouldn’t have a hard time finding me, I go by NuAngel on there, as well.