[Update 1] Does this have anything to do with Bungie? We doubt it.

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With other sites jumping on the bandwagon, I highly doubt this piece of news has anything to do with Bungie, or Halo Wars.

Rumors are floating that the website 1019FoxFM is a count down to the latest Bungie project. Now, according to the Xbox360Fanboy, they have searched the internet and come up with a paper trail suggesting that the site is or once was a pirate radio station, including now defunct myspace accounts and streaming radio stations.

Now, I know, “rising from the ashes” seems like a bit of a “Phoenix” reference (the previously reported name of the UNSC ship you will be following throughout the story of Halo Wars). And it’s true that there are an awful lot of 7’s on the website for this “Fox FM.” But no matter how good viral advertising is, they aren’t usually that good at trying to take you off the right path.

Xbox 360 Fanboy claims to have done a WHOIS, and come up with a name and a City. Those details match information found in the source code of the page itself. It also describes the return of an Indie radio station. You can see it below.

meta name=”generator” content=”Yahoo! SiteBuilder/2.5/1.6.0_01″
meta name=”author” content=”James Lace Clark”
meta name=”description” content=”This is an Internet Rock Station that airs several shows and more. We are Uncensored, and play Metal, Rock, Alternative, Independant Station based out of Burlington, North Carolina.”
meta name=”keywords” content=”Rock, Lace, Midnight, Shows, Fox FM, 101.9, Independant Station, Burlington, NC,”

James Clark, Burlington, North Carolina, USA. Now I know these Viral Advertising things have gotten good, but really – Yahoo! Site Builder, and all of this clear attempt to pose as a radio station? I firmly believe that it IS a radio station, trying to work its way up the Google rankings, and get noticed. The use of the number 7 is pure coincidence (Bungie didn’t make the movie Se7en, either), and could even be intentionally playing on the popularity of Bungie Day.

Don’t take this the wrong way, I hope to be proven wrong, I just don’t see this turning into an E3 “gotcha!” moment.

Update 1: If this was supposed to be an E3 moment, it failed, as the counter on 1019FoxFM.net has reset to 24 days and change. Wonder if they’re having a hard time with their FCC license? 😉