So the full bill doesn’t really matter, because this month wasn’t a full month on the “Time of Use” billing / CleanChoice option and the price per kilowatt hour changed mid-month because of changing suppliers, etc… BUT the important statistic off of this month’s bill is WHAT TIME OF DAY did the majority of my billing occur?
In rough terms, “OnPeak” hours (KWH) will cost double what the normal rate used to be, OffPeak hours will cost roughly the same as before I made the switch, perhaps 5-10% more than they used to cost, and SUPER OffPeak hours will cost about 50% of what they used to cost.
And as we can see in the picture, the extreme majority of my KWH usage came in OffPeak or Super OffPeak hours. So early signs indicate that the move to “Time of Use” billing for someone like me who will be charging an electric car overnight will be a very wise move!
Other than that, a simple $3.00 ‘service fee’ type of charge for going with CleanChoice energy, and elsewhere on the bill was a 5 cent charge for a “solar requirements charge” which – SURPRISE, is actually on EVERYONE’s bill every month and is described as “Charge to acquire Solar Photovoltaic Alternative Energy Credits to comply with the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act.”