Donate to Charity: Get 3 Free Games… sort of…

Here’s an article I overlooked! Another chance to a good charitable thing, while enjoying your Xbox 360 even more. The website is reporting a new Xbox 360 Family Games pack for Charity. With an MSRP of a mere $29.99, not only would you get THREE full games, but you would be supporting The Children’s Miracle Network. The article claims that 100% of the proceeds will go to the charity, and you’ll walk away with a handful of mediocre games (but who cares, maybe you can just abuse the achievements in them!?). Included are Shrek the Third, Sonic The Hedgehog, and Viva Piñata Party Animals. If it actually goes on sale October 7th, like the article says, I’ll be sure to pick it up and do my part to feel good, and get rewarded for it! 😉