NuAngel: a 2009 Xbox MVP

If you looked at the January 3rd post, it’s easy to see that is still growing. But over the last year, it seems as though we have turned a few heads. I was recently notified that I was nominated, and now have officially been accepted into that sacred inner sanctum: the 2009 Microsoft® MVP Award. To have this honor is almost unbelievable. As they describe on their website: “A panel that includes MVP team members and product group teams evaluate each nominee’s technical expertise and voluntary community contributions for the past year. The panel considers the quality, quantity, and level of impact of the MVP nominee’s contributions.” My little blog, just now celebrating it’s one year existence? It’s such an honor, I am genuinely still shell shocked!

I’m still waiting on some paperwork, before I can post the official logo of my MVP status on the site, but that is a flag I will proudly fly high. I’ve wondered what it would take to be an MVP since the days of my first website and my freelance 3rd party driver design. Never did I think I would be a recognized as MVP material – I simply wanted to provide a good website, the hard to find information, and help out wherever I could. But this is truly an overwhelming honor.

Being awarded the 2009 Microsoft® MVP Award is recognition for something (or things) I did in 2008. But we’re not going to rest on our laurels, now! It’s only just beginning. A whirlwind is going to hit, this year!

It’s all thanks to you, my small but dedicated and ever growing community. In our sophomore year, here at WinBreak, we intend to make a few more contacts, build up a small swag stash, and give you even more reasons to swing by the site! 🙂