Diversification is good: Xbox 360, PS3, Wii…

As you can see from the picture above, I have added to my collection. After getting my hands on everything, I have to admit that I am still an Xbox 360 fan, by far. The experience the 360 gives Xbox Live members is unmatched, and the games are exactly what I’m looking for. But I cannot be fair without examining multiple platforms. Even though I’m a lowly blogger, I want to do my best to give fair feedback about all games.

If you want to meet up with me on any console, in any game, let me know!

Xbox Live: NuAngel or WinBreak
Playstation Network (PS3): NuAngel
Wii Console Number: 2267 0984 0014 5123
Mario Kart ID: 3007-9168-8206 (NuAngel)