How to use Project My Screen app in Windows Phone 8.1

With the advent of Windows Phone 8.1, you will be able to use the “Project My Screen” feature to send the signal to your PC. If you’ve already got the Developer’s Preview, you can start playing with this feature now. Here’s a quick breakdown of how it works.

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What is Heartbleed, how does it affect me?

A lot of my friends, co-workers, even colleagues are still perplexed by this “Heartbleed” thing. It’s making the news, but in an effort to keep confusing tech news under a minute in their broadcast, reporters skim through the basics leaving the home audience confused. Here’s all you need to know about Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160) as a basic user. Although some programs and even mobile apps will need updated, the majority of average home users only need to worry about the websites they visit. If you are running higher level software (Virtual Machines, Servers, etc…) you may need some more advanced information, but this article is for consumers, not IT Pros. Continue reading “What is Heartbleed, how does it affect me?”

Is Remote Desktop Encrypted?

Travel can be scary, and with my first long-distance trip in many years coming up this weekend, I want to be sure I’m playing it safe. All the time I hear about fake wireless hotspots and all kinds of other hacks happening in airports and coffee shops. I’m pretty well versed in these tricks, and consider myself aware of most of the tricks and can protect myself. But I want to go the extra mile. I have a computer set up, in my house, which I can use Microsoft Remote Desktop to connect to. I have also created a VPN connection via that same home computer, if I want to use it. But setting this up created a series of questions for me. Foremost: is RDP encrypted? Continue reading “Is Remote Desktop Encrypted?”

How to find a lost BitLocker Recovery Key

Some recent glitches in Windows (particularly on some Surface 2 devices) have been prompting users for their BitLocker Security Key. Many people don’t know their key, and if you can’t login to your computer to check it, how do you know what it is!? We’re here to help.

Simply visit and view the list of keys your computers have automatically uploaded to your Microsoft account! If you know the name of the machine, you can easily figure out which BitLocker key you need, and type it in to unlock your computer!

Whether you encrypted your drive and needed to move it to another computer, or some glitch is asking you for your BitLocker Encryption Key, at least now you can figure our what your BitLocker Key is. I had some keys in there for devices I didn’t any more, so I deleted them from my account to keep it clean. It’s nice to know we can get access to these keys as needed!