Indie Game The Movie – go watch it! Now!

I watched the full film of Indie Game The Movie last night. It has recently been added to Netflix On Demand – only days after I was the film’s twitter account about buying it. Although my intention was to buy it and enjoy it this weekend, since it had cropped up on Netflix, I decided to watch it there. I’m still going to give the documentary film maker my money.

I’m a huge fan of documentary films in general. But the best ones really take you on a journey, through a story, or even a series of parallel stories. You get to really begin to like (or at least understand) the “characters” involved in the film, and you become invested in the outcome. Many of them have happy endings, and even the ones that aren’t concluded in the film, we, the target audience, know the final outcomes of titles like Fez, a critical darling.

I encourage you, watch the trailer above, then go buy Indie Game The Movie – as they responded to me on Twitter, in whatever format works best for you. As I expected, a direct payment with PayPal and downloading the movie DRM free gives them the most money – but if you’re already invested in a movie platform such as Vudu or Amazon Instant Video, then by all means get it that way!