ZUNE Tip of a Lifetime: Zune Pass info needs to be refreshed solved! (KB946369)

I like to do the Xbox Tip of the Week on Sundays, but this time I feel obligated to let everyone know of a little Zune tip I have for you. I know, they’re not extremely popular, but my sister has one and she recently let her Zune Pass lapse. After she renewed, she was receiving the Your Zune Pass info needs to be refreshed error message, even though she had synchronized her Zune.

Microsoft used to have a support article about this in their Knowledge Base, but if you try to visit http://support.microsoft.com/kb/946369 there is no page there anymore. It’s like Microsoft wants to disavow knowledge of the Zune’s existence. Well, I used a little Archive.org-fu and dug up the original contents of the page. Deeper in this article, you’ll find some of the contents of the original Knowledge Base article, with multiple tips for fixing this and similar issues.

Since my sister was able to listen to music on her computer, just not on the Zune itself, we removed the songs from the Zune, THEN synchronized sync’d them back to the device. This resolved her issue.

Below, are some of the original contents of KB946369, as seen on Archive.org.

When you try to play an audio file on the Zune device, you receive one of the following error messages:

  • Error message 1
    There is a problem with the rights for this item. Sync with your PC.
  • Error message 2
    Usage rights for this item have expired. To refresh, sync with your PC.
  • Error message 3
    Your Zune Pass info needs to be refreshed. Sign in on your PC and sync with your player.
  • Error message 4
    Your Zune Pass info needs to be refreshed. Refresh now?
  • Error message 5
    Unable to refresh Zune Pass info. Sign in on your PC and sync with your player.
  • Error message 6
    This item has expired.
  • When this error occurs, any additional tracks that exhibit this problem may be skipped automatically. In this case, no additional error message is displayed.

    Things to try:

    Try one or more of the following methods.

    • Update the licenses for your content by using your Zune HD player and an available wireless connection:
      1. On the home screen of your player, tap settings.
      2. Tap WIRELESS, and then tap SYNC.
      3. Tap LICENSES to refresh the licenses for content on your player.
    • If the previous steps did not resolve the problem or if you do not have a Zune HD player, refresh the media usage rights by using your computer.

      If your Zune Pass subscription has expired, follow these steps:

      1. Start the Zune software on the computer.
      2. Click Settings, and then click Account.
      3. Click Sign In, and then sign in by using your Windows Live ID.
      4. Update your Zune Pass subscription by following the instructions in the Zune Pass section.
      5. As soon as the subscription is updated, connect the device to refresh the media usage rights.
    • If the previous steps did not resolve the error or if you do not have a Zune Pass, delete and resync the content. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Connect the Zune device to the sync cable, start the Zune software, and then click device.
      2. Locate and then right-click the file.
      3. Select Delete from <ZUNE PLAYER>.
      4. Click COLLECTION, and then locate the file.
      5. Play the file on your computer to make sure that the file is working correctly.
      6. Right-click the file, and then select Sync with <ZUNE PLAYER>.
    • If the previous steps did does not resolve the error, erase the Zune player, and then resync the content. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Start the Zune software on the computer.
      2. Connect your Zune player by using the Zune Sync Cable.
      3. Click SETTINGS, and then click device. Click SYNC OPTIONS, and then click ERASE ALL CONTENT.
      4. Click Yes when you receive the following message:
        Please Confirm. Are you sure you want to erase the contents of the connected Zune?
        The “Erase All Content” message will be displayed. This process may take several minutes. Do not move or disconnect the Zune device until the message disappears.
      5. Resync the content to your player.