Twitter User's "#top20games"?

As always, I enjoy tooling around on Twitter. Some of you may know of the practice of “hashtags.” #hashtags are a way for people to track trends and topics on twitter (holy T‘s, Batman).

I won’t bother with all of the details, but basically @GenXer and I started, on 3/27/09, “#top20games.” The Top20Games idea was just a way to get lots of people involved listing their favorite games. Using TagalUs and So why not post a list of the #top20games I tracked on Twitter. Below are just some of the results. Take them in to consideration, maybe there’s something there you should be playing!

@ricardo3g: South Park 64 4 the N64. ’twas a gd shooter at the time & was very fun. t was also the firs time I hrd “Bitch” used in a vid game. #top20games
Yoshis Island : Super Mario World 2 for the SNES #2 of my #top20games
Super Mario RPG : Legends Of The Seven Star on the SNES is my 1 out my #top20games
@gravitybomb: Phantasy Star Online, Mass Effect, Goldeneye 007. Man, that was a tough list to make. Not 100% about it, but there it is! #top20games
@cronotriggers: Oh cripes, completely forgot Metal Gear Solid (PS1)! #top20games
Oh wait, just remembered WipEout Pure! #top20games
Assassins creed #top20games
Rez #top20games
@Phoenix8424: Resident Evil 5 and Gun and Viva Pinata on Xbox 360 #top20games
@Geminiace: Goldeneye on N64! #top20games
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 on PC! #top20games
Rock Band 2! #top20games
frdarvin: #top20games Dungeon Keeper 2 (PC)
Ultima 3.. definite fave #top20games
#top20games Descent 1/2 (PC)
#top20games Galaga (Arcade)
#top20games Impossible Mission (C64 and Others)
#top20games Legacy of the Ancients (C64)
#top20games Galaga (Arcade)
#top20games Impossible Mission (C64 and Others)
#top20games Legacy of the Ancients (C64)
#top20games Lazy Jones (C64)
#top20games Wave Race (N64)
#top20games Mario RPG (SNES)
#top20games Pokemon G/S (DMG) They worked with the Older gameboys, and you could retro trade with R/B/Y
#top20games Tetris (NES/DMG)
#top20games Mario Kart (SNES)
#top20games The Sims (PC) Again, the original.
#top20games Grand Theft Auto (PC) The Original Top down that started the insanity.
#top20games Super Mario World (SNES), FF6 (SNES)
@animaonline: Final Fantasy VI #1 #top20games
@OldSchoolgamer: I can’t believe someone put Resident Evil 5 in their #top20games. It just came out! Expand your library for crying out loud!
@TheHeadGeek: Crazy Climber, Tempest, Golden Eye, Return to Wolfenstein, COD4 there’s 5 for ya #top20games
@Trixie360: All platforms fair game? Vid games only or do board games count too? How about Charades? 😉 #top20games

And of course, my own list… which never did quite hit 20 games, but it was fun none-the-less.

@NuAngel: Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger – PC and PS3. #top20games
The Simpsons – ARCADE GAME #top20games
Oh I’m not done, folks. lol Goldeneye – Nintendo 64. #top20games
Law of the West (C64) #top20games
Pro Wrestling – NES #top20games
Metroid NES, Metroid II, Gameboy, Super Metroid, SNES: 3 more for #top20games
NHL Stanley Cup (SNES) – also called Super Hockey in Europe. #top20games
Mega Man III for the NES #top20games