Fun on Friday: It's Hockey Time

So, yesterday at work, I’m listening to The Booom!BoxCast (if you haven’t, you’re missing out, click the link, or check out their AnalogHype page, or even download them on iTunes). As I’m listening, I was pleased to hear myself mentioned during some shout outs. Then I was shocked when I heard co-host “DaPhilth84” (that’s his PSN ID) mention my name, some how, in discussion of the NHL Playoffs.

Now, I’m a hockey nut, it’s true. But when Philthy started listing off teams who had play off potential, I didn’t anticipate “NuAngel” would be among the teams. Evidently, neither did my co worker.

Before the work day was out, I was presented with these fun little tidbits. Enjoy.

Check the filename… NuJersey, get it?

Thanks to QualityBeats84 & DaPhilth84 for the shoutouts during the podcast, and Dalimatrix for the insanely entertaining graphics.