More coming to the site, for everyone!

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I have been surprisingly not surprised, lately, with all of the news in the gaming industry. Everyone wants to talk about games coming out in ten months, or the most popular games of the year, even though we’re barely in to it. Rather than sit by doing completely nothing, I have been doing even more “back end” work on the website.

The forums have been completely fixed up and should now be easy to use, without appearing cluttered. I have also worked out some plans with my hosting company as well as done some work on the server settings themselves. These changes will allow me to provide you with an even broader selection of downloads and file types, allowing me to expand the type of services I can offer in the future as I grow the site.

Look forward to an interesting article later this week, which will show my promise to expand who I am able to provide services to. I might have a clue in the poll I just posted above. 😉 Not directly, but it should suggest that something ahead might be available for a select audience. Real news coming again, soon, but finally having some time off from work has inspired me to take the time to work on the website!