In 2008, the Summer of Arcade was a smashing success for Xbox. They’re getting ready to do it again, by releasing several long anticipated games over a six week period, beginning March 18th, 2009. During this year’s Days of Arcade, seven new Xbox Live Arcade games are going to see their release, including Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, Hasbro Family Game Night, Lode Runner, and Uno Rush.
Uno Rush has been on people’s minds since the announcement of the NXE, and this new Uno title. What would it be like, how would it play, can you finally play multiplayer LOCALLY, and not just over Xbox Live? I have the answers to all of your questions in this rarely seen Fact-Sheet from Microsoft. I happened to have it laying around and I just thought some of you might find it interesting, the things that were considered “final” back on July 3rd, 2008 – when the game was expected to be released along side the NXE, in the fall. Uno Rush_Fact Sheet FINAL.doc. Give it a quick read, and get excited for the upcoming Days of Arcade, and Uno Rush.