Useful Xbox tricks for Mobile Users

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In a recent twitter-quest, I asked everyone if there was anything like an Xbox Live program for my recently purchased Windows Mobile phone. I gained exactly zero responses. Little did I know that there was a little pot of Gold waiting to be discovered.

The other day I posted about some Halo 3 and Fable 2 wallappers and ringtones. Well, what if I told you there were more? Not only more, but for other games? Games like Gears of War 2, Too Human, and even Madden 09? What if I told you there were mobile games, exclusive to your cell phones? Ways to check and respond to your Xbox Live messages, all from the palm of your hand?

Well, there is. Bookmark the following, and you will be set! – a completely mobile designed site, streamlined for phone browsers, offering all kinds of exclusive content from wall papers to sound effects. – (America)’s WAP site, which offers you access to much of’s contents, including your friends list and more.
Xbox Live Message center (again USA only link provided, though it may work for others). This link is not truly designed for mobile phones, however it takes you straight to your Xbox Live Inbox, and as long as your browser is powerful enough, you can read and compose new messages!

While I don’t plan on changing the content of the site to a new mobile phone fansite, I just wanted to offer a few helpful links to everyone. I also intend to check out the mobile phone browser SkyFire – I will let everyone know how useful it turns out being (worth it or not!?). Don’t forget to do your part to help spread the word about – here’s hoping it keeps growing, as Microsoft keeps their promise of LIVE EVERYWHERE!