Just came across this in an email from Microsoft. Official Halo 3 and Fable 2 ringtones for your Windows Mobile Phone! Or… really, any phone that supports WMA ring tones. They can be previewed and downloaded. That is what I was linked to, but why not also provide you Windows Mobile users (or, again, any phone that supports .JPG files!!) with some new Fable 2 and Halo 3 background images for use on your cell phone.
That’s all for now, I’m sure there will be more news to come this week, I’m just having a great time at my new job, and even though I’m extremely busy, I’m loving every minute of it all. Look forward to hearing from me throughout the week! A few quick polls may also appear in the near future, as I determine what else to bring to WinBreak in 2009!