Like to gamble? Get a 360 for $149.99!

Trusted source C|NET put up a quick article letting people know that they could pick up a Premium Xbox 360 for as little as $149.99! Trouble is, they are refurbished systems. They may have a few scuffs, and who knows how long they will last? It’s still a pretty penny for a lot of uncertainty, but they do offer a 14-day DOA Protection Guarantee.

The website is a little confusing, as it lists another 360 for $189.99 – that one specifically notes that it includes a hard drive. The “Premium” listed at $149.99 does not specifically mention the hard drive. Perhaps a call to customer service will be in order to anyone planning to buy one, but the site itself is notable for getting liquidation stock, and should have no true intention of scamming you, unlike the yet-to-be-shutdown (no hyperlink being provided).

Seems like the perfect option for those looking to void their warranty with some sort of fun case mod anyways… note that these are NOT the HDMI version of the console.