PS3's In-Game XMB & "Trophies" system not far off…

Firmware update 2.36 for the Sony Playstation 3 should be live as I write this, and contains minor bug fixes, stability enhancements, and more than likely some still un-needed anti-piracy patches (or maybe that was just Nintendo’s latest update). But talk of the latest update was quick and to the point, looking ahead to the 2.40 Update (which, by my count, can’t be far off). The official Playstation Blog confirmed what we have been hearing for a while… that the 2.4 update will have the in game Cross Media Bar (XMB), as well as the Achievements… I mean… Trophies system. I’m sure I’ll have more on that topic, later. Until then, go get 2.36, it’s like a free sample of updating to 2.40!