EETimes reporter guesses at the RRoD… wrongly.

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Junko Yoshida, writer for, put together an article entitled The truth about last year’s Xbox 360 recall. The article is wrong from the title on down. Microsoft never once issued a true “recall.” They offered extended coverage for a single well-known and wide-spread issue.

Yoshida continues his inaccuracies when he says that Microsoft developed their own graphics processor, and that’s where the problems came from. He says that only after the “recall” did they call up a “United States” based company, which he assumes was the former ATi. First: ATi is/was Canadian based. Now part of AMD, the graphics chip division still resides mostly in Canada. Second: the Xbox 360 has used the ATi R500 “Xenos” chip since it has launched.

Microsoft has admitted there is a problem, isn’t that good enough? Let’s not beat this dead horse anymore, people. Especially not with hit-grabbing tactics filled with inaccurate reporting.