Better Know a Gamer: Issue #7: ThumpThis

What’s your Gamertag, and what’s the story behind it?
Well my gamer tag is Thumpthis,the story behind it is amusing my original account was Thumpdaddy 2 but it got corrupted on MS servers so I had to make the one I own now. I tried to put in F!!kThis – was unacceptable

Where are you from?
Wetumpka,AL Been here my whole life

How old are you, and what do you do (school, job, family, hobbies)?
Well I’m 40 years old but young at heart,when I’m not here I work at Elmore County Sheriff Dept where I am a correction officer (Sgt). My family is my pride and joy been married for over 12 years have two boys age 16 & 11 talking about a handful.My hobbies consist of tennis & the X-box 360!!

How long have you been gaming in general?
Been gaming for over 30 years so I can look where we came from,remember we thought Pong was good as it could get. But the 360 to me is the best thing going.

How long have you been a 360 owner?
Was a owner when it first came out and have had ups and downs with it as I’m on my fourth system. But I’m a gamer and know it has the best games around and Live kicks azz.

What was one of your favorite Xbox / Xbox Live moments?
Have to say the first time I played online and remember I was playing Counter Strike with guys from all around the world.Never thought I would see that online in a console.

Which Xbox 360 Achievement are you most proud of?
All of them but I would have to say the first one I got on COD 2 after that I was addicted to the achievements as I feel it makes gamers come back to finish the game for the points.

Are you currently working toward any achievements?
Trying to finish COD 4 on Veteran but Mile High may never happen as I let this one get to me.

What game(s) are you playing the most now?
Two games now COD 4 and R6:Vegas 2 you have to love them.Cod 4 for gorgeous graphics with a MP to die for, R6 2 all I can say people play together and quit comparing to COD 4 a different game.

What’s playing now (what music do you listen to when away from your Xbox or when listening to music ON your Xbox)?
Well I’m a country music fanatic but usually a little Randy Travis and Travis Tritt.Some of you may not know them.

Do you try to stick with one Gamerpic, or change it frequently?
I love change I’m always changing just as well as my them also.Love the freebies.

What is your current favorite Xbox related website to visit?
Only one site I hang out and drum roll please Unscripted 360 run by Deacon Blade. would recommend if your looking for a community run by someone that cares for the 360 community come and join, stay, make a few friends! No better place to be. As the people are like a big family.

What game are you looking most forward to in 2008?
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventure stands out to me as I have been waiting for a good MMO and have played the beta and if they can get this to play like this on the 360 you will have the first great MMO for the 360.

Do you have an all time favorite game, for any console or the PC?
One game has always stood out for me and Resident Evil was the first time in my life a game has ever made me jump and throw the controller down.

Do you have any gaming buddies you frequently play with / want to make almost as famous as you?
My friend is a real life friend more like a little brother his name since you want to know is The RhymeScheme. Good friend and he plays games the same way as I do meaning no disrespecting people as I feel alot of people need to be more like that on Live

Any parting words for the droves of readers?
Want to thank you for putting me in the spot light was very shocked to say the least. And would have to say if your not a 360 owner get the best thing going as the 360 community is strong and striving and have the greatest gamers in the world.

I couldn’t agree more! The community and the members in it are what make the Xbox 360 my platform of choice. I’ll be following up on that exact sentiment some time in the future!