Better Know a Gamer: Issue #10: The RhymeScheme

Nu: What’s your Gamertag, and what’s the story behind it?
My GT is The RhymeScheme, its actually a song title from my favorite band Cursive. They are a very inspiring group and the lead singer Tim Kasher has an awesome voice. I recommend them to anyone.

Nu: Where are you from?
Well I was born in Michigan but grew up in Alabama so I guess im a southern guy LOL.

Nu: How old are you, and what do you do (school, job, family, hobbies)?
I am 29 and I work for a structural steel company doing drafting and detailing work. I have two kids Adam who is 9 he is on live as Lil Rhymescheme, my little girl Bella is 5 and My awesome wife is Hope we have known each other since 4th grade lol.

Nu: How long have you been gaming in general?
I have been gaming since the NES so however long that was ago.

Nu: How long have you been a 360 owner?
I got one a few weeks or months after they dropped.

Nu: What was one of your favorite Xbox / Xbox Live moments?
Being named an Ambassador this year was cool and I won a contest that included a copy of Crackdown and a trip to Atlanta to see Gym Class Heroes. I have also won a Heroes themed Xbox from Amazon not quite as cool as your autographed one but pretty nice.

Nu: Which Xbox 360 Achievement are you most proud of?
I guess all of them I like working towards my achievements so im proud of them all.

Nu: Are you currently working toward any achievements?

Nu: What game(s) are you playing the most now?
COD4 and Rock Band.

Nu: What’s playing now (what music do you listen to when away from your Xbox or when listening to music ON your Xbox)?
Anything from Cursive , The Good Life , or Brand New.

Nu: Those are some of my favorite bands! We should hang out more. 😉 Do you try to stick with one Gamerpic, or change it frequently?
I try to support the independents but I switch them up sometimes. Usually the U360 ones.

Nu: What is your current favorite Xbox related website to visit?
Unscripted360, but there are a ton of good ones. Like yours and Konsole Kingz.

Nu: What game are you looking most forward to in 2008?
Probably GTA4 right now.

Nu: Do you have an all time favorite game, for any console or the PC?
I guess the old Mario that came with the NES the one with duck hunt on it LOL.

Nu: Do you have any gaming buddies you frequently play with / want to make almost as famous as you?
Wow really there are a lot of people all the U360 and DDB friends and my real life friends Thumpthis, buckz71 and my little bro So So Gigalo

Nu: Any parting words for the droves of readers?
Thanks to you for doing these types of things to help people know a little more about there fellow gamers. And guys and girls remember its just a game have fun leave all the drama out.