Better Know a Gamer: Issue #3: GerbilJammer0

Nu: What’s your Gamertag, and what’s the story behind it?

GerbilJammer0 The story behind it is kind of boring actually. Everyone knows about the Richard Gere and gerbil rumor. That played a little part. Tha big part is back in the day when broadband first reached the masses… I was still on dial up. Everyone I played against in Quakeworld was high speed whereas I was a HPB. In order to compete, I had to revert to tactics such as hit in run, poke in the booty, and rocket rape. At that time my online persona wasn’t so politically friendly. During a clan match someone said I was as quick as a gerbil and I like to hit people from behind. Naturally it evolved into GerbilJammer.

Nu: Where are you from?

New Orleans, Louisiana

Nu: How old are you, and what do you do (school, job, family, hobbies)?

I’m a 28 year old Network Engineer and IT Administrator.

Nu: How long have you been gaming in general?

Ever since 1980. 🙂

Nu: How long have you been a 360 owner?

Since day one.

Nu: What was one of your favorite Xbox / Xbox Live moments?

Just enjoying games with friends and listening to the audible garbage that most people talk.

Nu: Which Xbox 360 Achievement are you most proud of?

Too many to list one.

Nu: Are you currently working toward any achievements?

I don’t really work towards achievements. I usually play a game and then look to see what achievements would make me play that game in a different manner to which I previously played through.

Nu: What game(s) are you playing the most now?

I’ve been playing some Guitar Hero 2 and 3. I still suck. Gears Of War (PC). Also Doom XBLA from time to time. No such thing as l337 skillz in Doom. Just pure fun.

Nu: What’s playing now (what music do you listen to when away from you Xbox or when listening to music ON your Xbox)?

AC/DC, Ozzy, ZZ Top

Nu: Do you try to stick with one Gamerpic, or change it frequently?

I try to stick with my LSU pic. I live in Arkansas, and it kills my friends to see the gamerpic every time they come over.

Nu: What is your current favorite Xbox related website to visit?

I like a bunch.,,,, and

Nu: What game are you looking most forward to in 2008?

I am still playing catchup on all the 2007 games.

Nu: Do you have an all time favorite game, for any console or the PC?

It has to be Unreal Tournament. No other game, not even it’s sequels, captures the refined gameplay.

Nu: Do you have any gaming buddies you frequently play with / want to make almost as famous as you?

NuAngel and the Hellz clan. A great bunch to sit back and enjoy some games with.

Nu: Any parting words for the droves of readers?

I am not famous. Might be soon because Microsoft keeps trying to make me change my gamertag, but suggests HamsterJammer as an alternative… I’ve got it on camera. And if you are having DRM issues with Xbox Live content, do not give up on getting a fix. Call back and demand for it to be fixed. Call back frequently to aggravate the hell out of them. It might take them escalating your problem to Jesus himself, but hopefully they will fix it.

Better Know a Gamer: Issue #2: Aiya OPPS Sorry

Nu: What’s your Gamertag, and what’s the story behind it?

My gamertag is Aiya OPPS Sorry. The main story behind is was actually my brother who wanted to create something funny and unusual. The truly unusual part is that he actually couldn’t spell oops right while creating the gamertag, so my gamertag Aiya OPPS Sorry was born.

Nu: Where are you from?

I currently live in Fremont, California

Nu: How old are you, and what do you do (school, job, family, hobbies)?

I currently am 15 years old and am a high school student

Nu: How long have you been gaming in general?

Generally I have been gaming since the age of 6 when i first picked up streetfighter on the NES and have had a blast playing ever since.

Nu: How long have you been a 360 owner?

About 2 years

Nu: What was one of your favorite Xbox / Xbox Live moments?

One of my favorite xbox live moments is whenever I’m able to have a successful experience with any of my live friends on any of my 360 games. The magic and addicting nature of when you just are with that special group of people makes it very hard to put the controller down.

Nu: Which Xbox 360 Achievement are you most proud of?

The achievement that I am most proud of would probrably be the Win the War achievement from Call of Duty 4 as the storyline for that game was just fantastic and you really don’t need a reward to complete it.

Nu: Are you currently working toward any achievements?

The achievements in Assassin Creed and Bioshock

Nu: What game(s) are you playing the most now?

Call of Duty 4 only because I have yet to pick up Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Nu: What’s playing now (what music do you listen to when away from you Xbox or when listening to music ON your Xbox)?

Nothing as I don’t use my xbox as a music station

Nu: Do you try to stick with one Gamerpic, or change it frequently?

Stick with one unless I am quite bored with it

Nu: What is your current favorite Xbox related website to visit?

Probrably but if its gaming news in general it would definetly be

Nu: What game are you looking most forward to in 2008?


Nu: Do you have an all time favorite game, for any console or the PC?

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas

Nu: Do you have any gaming buddies you frequently play with / want to make almost as famous as you?

There are a bunch and it would take me quite a while to list them all but some are: Automatic83, Sniper N77, Minicleaner, Santakillz, ETJ93, SniperOps, and IIChillywillyII

Nu: Any parting words for the droves of readers?

Check my own blog site that I have sadly been neglecting as of late. But will definetly try to update as my personal life clears up. And to check out and hang out with great community sites such as,, and of course Also a huge shoutout to all my friends on live, my clan Section VIII, and in the community anyone who know me as Aiya OPPS Sorry or guywholovesrice.

Thanks to Aiya OPPS Sorry/GuyWhoLovesRice for participating. Not only was he our second Better Know a Gamer, but he was the first one to experience our new automated interview process! 🙂 Thanks for being our lab rat!

Better Know a Gamer, just got BETTER!

We admit it, there’s been a lot of us “getting behind.” I’ve fallen into the traps of headlines and hit counts, rather than actually doing what I set out to do. Well no more.

Our flagship segment, Better Know a Gamer, is going to to be made even easier. One of the early problems was a glitch in the mail server eating our messages… then it became a bit of a sloppy mess and I was losing email addresses just because of my own foolish actions. People volunteered, others were nominated, but the questions weren’t getting sent out. Well now I want you to know that you can nominate yourself, or nominate others – entirely through automation. That’s right, by visiting the Better Know a Gamer Submissions page, you can enter your gamertag, the gamertag of the person you’re nominating, and their email address – they will then receieve the BKAG questions! Once they reply to the email and I have their answers, it’s just a short matter of time before I post the whole thing up on the site.

See how easy it is!? Now, get to nominating – keep me busy!!! 🙂 Nominate ALL of your friends, if you want! Just keep the list growing! I’ll highlight all ten million Xbox Live users if you want me to! It’s up to you! 🙂

Visit the Nominations Page now!

First day of Spring… Dashboard Features?

It’s officially the first day of spring, and even though people have been begging for a new dashboard update since January, little is known about what we can expect from the Spring 2008 dashboard update. Some people think this time around may be just a few clean ups and tweaks… simply tidying up after all of the major overhauls of the previous pair of updates (adding the entire marketplace blade, integrating with LiveMessenger, Friends of Friends, Profiles…). Perhaps some attention paid to the “Achievements” button on the games blade (which, after enough games played by an individual, becomes an almost painful browsing experience). Some people think that this update (as rumored with the last several) will finally include some form of formal clan support. Some people think there will be a way to hide YOUR name from showing up on someone ELSE’S Friends of Friends list. Some people think there will be the ability to add a custom background to individual blades of the interface, rather than selecting one picture for all of them. Still, others, expect larger friends-list support.

The list of suspected dashboard features goes on, but we’re keeping our ear to the ground for anything even semi-official. Some “very” cool (according to Major Nelson) features have been in the works that didn’t make it into the last update may be included in this one. So cool, in fact, that he had to take some time to explain the coolness effect to “e.” All of this can be found in an older podcast… but who cares about all that… we just want the meat’n’taters. I’ll keep my eyes and ears wide open for you all, you keep checking back here.

Until then, feel free to start a discussion about what kinds of features YOU would like to see in this or future dashboard updates. We all love filling out a wishlist!