We admit it, there’s been a lot of us “getting behind.” I’ve fallen into the traps of headlines and hit counts, rather than actually doing what I set out to do. Well no more.
Our flagship segment, Better Know a Gamer, is going to to be made even easier. One of the early problems was a glitch in the mail server eating our messages… then it became a bit of a sloppy mess and I was losing email addresses just because of my own foolish actions. People volunteered, others were nominated, but the questions weren’t getting sent out. Well now I want you to know that you can nominate yourself, or nominate others – entirely through automation. That’s right, by visiting the Better Know a Gamer Submissions page, you can enter your gamertag, the gamertag of the person you’re nominating, and their email address – they will then receieve the BKAG questions! Once they reply to the email and I have their answers, it’s just a short matter of time before I post the whole thing up on the site.
See how easy it is!? Now, get to nominating – keep me busy!!! 🙂 Nominate ALL of your friends, if you want! Just keep the list growing! I’ll highlight all ten million Xbox Live users if you want me to! It’s up to you! 🙂
Visit the Nominations Page now!