Farewell Falconfly – Falconfly.de mirror hosted here!

For many years, the FalconFly Central website has been a staple of the 3dfx community. It continued on for years after I was no longer active in the realm of “Voodoo cards” and driver tweaking. Falconfly has always been an important member of the 3dfx community, and when he announced that he would be shutting down his archive of 3dfx files and drivers on July 1st, 2017, many people were sad to hear of it.

He’s been busy physically mailing discs of his archive out to dedicated fans, and he welcomes the idea of people hosting mirrors of his original content. I fired an email off to the person I consider to be an old friend, and he was kind enough to send me some DVD’s of his archive as well. Although others have already hosted his former site, I’m proud to add my name to the list of mirrors. It brings me a great deal of pleasure to see our names side by side, just as they were on message boards and in forums more than 15 years ago, constantly talking about the latest finds, the best tweaks, and the newest games. I’m honored to let everyone know that a full mirror of the former falconfly.de can be found right here at Falconfly.NuAngel.net.