What I wanted to do was move a shortcut icon from my Desktop to my Steam folder deep in my Start Menu (under “Apps by name”). I had installed a game from Steam and it created the desktop icon, when I had intended to have it just install to the Start Menu. This one took a little digging. After using Windows 8 since the initial RTM nearly two years ago, I couldn’t believe I had never tried to do this before! Luckily, it isn’t very difficult, when you know where to look. Here’s the breakdown:
In the Windows 7 (and prior) Start Menu, if you wanted to add a shortcut to a folder, all you had to do was drag the icon there. Or, to make it a little easier, you could right click the folder, click Explore, and then have a larger Window to drag the icon in to. In older versions of Windows , it would have been simply located at a specific path (I will use my username NuAngel in the examples):
Vista/7: C:usersNuAngelStart Menu
XP: C:Documents and SettingsNuAngelStart Menu
Now, however, trying to navigate to that folder is impossible, and it doesn’t automatically redirect you to the new location. It turns out, your Start Menu is now under your AppData folder. Look here (of course, replacing NuAngel with your username):
C:UsersNuAngelAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms
That folder is your personal Start Menu. If what you’re looking for isn’t there, it might be under what would basically be considered the “All Users” Start Menu, which can be found here:
C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms
Once there, I could navigate to the “Steam” subfolder, cut and paste the shortcut from my desktop, and it appeared within my Start Menu!