I’ve talked about Anamanaguchi before. They are a chiptune group, who have gone on to do things like Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game (the soundtrack). Recently, they’ve been taking part in a Kickstarter event – hoping to make their new album, Endless Fantasy, more than just an album. I contributed to it as soon as I had found out about it (it exceeded funding goals pretty quickly). Before I knew it, even before they had a chance to realize what was happening, they raised over a quarter of a million dollars.
The band already released the album as a digital download for their backers. Just by that process, they were able to track enough sales to debut the album at Number 1 on the Billboard Heatseakers charts, and #2 on the Dance Chart (putting them even above will.i.am). Anybody looking to get in on it early can order Endless Fantasy on Amazon, as an MP3 download, a CD, or even on vinyl.
This album strays from some standard chiptune fare. It has a few tracks featuring vocals, other talents of the band are highlighted beyond their standard backing with the chiptune as the main act, and Endless Fantasy doesn’t force every track to be a pop song. Some of the tracks are a bit more introspective, a little bit slowed down – not like the fast action fighting game stuff we heard in the Scott Pilgrim game sound track. But that certainly doesn’t account for the entire album which, I’ve neglected to mention thus far, is 27 tracks. The tracks often drift one in to the other and in the end I’m always left with a positive experience. I might not feel excited and energized the same as after some of their previous work, but I certainly feel refreshed. And that’s exactly what this album is. Refreshing. Different enough from their previous work to not be “just more of the same” – and certainly different from anything else out there. Even other chiptune artists. Anamanguchi’s Endless Fantasy is yet another reason that they are one of the leaders of the genre. And if all that isn’t enough, then check this out: They sent a slice of Pizza in to space. Just because they could. No really, watch below.
Don’t forget to check out Anamanaguchi.com to find out when the unique experience of an Anamanaguchi show will be coming to your town. Further setting themselves apart from anyone else out there right now, they aren’t afraid to cater to their digital fans by animating their album cover art and tour poster!