1976-2006 – Rocky movie saga

I pounced on an Amazon Goldbox deal… about 3 years ago… and never watched the box set I bought. So, recently, I sat down and watched a crapload of Rocky movies! You can, too, with Rocky: The Undisputed Collection.

Sure, everybody knows Rocky. The Stallone movies about a boxer. They introduced the world to Mr. T, they got Hulk Hogan do a role as Thunder Lips, and, in my opinion, put an end to the Cold War.

Ready for some spoilers? Did you know that Rocky doesn’t win every fight he’s in? Did you know Adrian, his wife, died? Did you know Rocky owned a restaurant? Did you know there was a time when his trainer, Mick, didn’t have a hearing aid? Each movie has a great story – even the newest, Rocky Balboa. The final chapter in the Rocky saga, Rocky (and Sly Stallone) shows he’s still got something left, even though it ends similarly to the first movie. Become a Rocky trivia master. If you’re looking to collect them in hi def, Rocky: The Undisputed Collection is your best bet.