It’s that time of year… when you get together with family and friends and watch films you love. You know what I love? The Nightmare Before Christmas. I have it on VHS, DVD, BluRay, digital, I have the soundtrack, and I have a few little collectables from the movie.
Most everyone knows the story, but the quick outline is that, in this universe, the world is divided by Holidays. Each holiday lives in their own town. In this one, the biggest celebrity in Halloween Town gets bored doing his job, finds Christmas Town, and tries to do Christmas in Santa’s place. It’s a bit strange being explained, but everybody knows that The Nightmare Before Christmas really pulls it off. They got it right, they tell a great story, with lovable characters and memorable music.
The stop-frame Claymation movie took a lot of work, but the new hi-def BluRay release is beautiful. The shimmering snow in the backdrops and so many little details are beautiful. There are a few things that show up in the BluRay version, for example wires here and there that were used to hold up flying objects things afloat. I’ve said enough, you know what this is, go watch it already!