NuAngel is officially a teenager!

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No, not me. I’m closer to thirty than twenty. Rather, my identity on the internet, “NuAngel” is 13 today, officially. I know I used the name other places, like on ICQ (for a few weeks, or maybe even months), but on February 8th, 1999, I officially registered the email address

I recall using the name on services like ICQ, where you could change your name at will; but the first place where it was registered? As far as I can recall, it was Hotmail. I don’t have any good record, now, but I believe I first registered somewhere around October of 2000, then let it expire in 2004 or 2005? I can’t go back and check my email for receipts because the email account I had originally registered with has long-since been deleted.

The history of the name was pretty straight forward… I went thorugh that same strange phase every young ‘net user does – trying to develop my identity. Temporary names were Bungeta (don’t ask), Silver DayStar, Silver Scorpion, Silver Stinger – and then Angel came my way. Guardian_Angel lasted for a short run, but at one point I finally settled on being the “New Angel,” as I was replacing someone on a team who had gone by the name “Angel.” But New Angel was too wordy, and I didn’t want to use an underscore in my email address, because nobody knew what it was back then. NuAngel was born. No, at the time, I had no idea another company named NuAngel existed. Still, when it came time to buy a domain, I elected for the .net because it had a nice ring to it – anything else I wanted was available, but I went with this one.

For this “birthday” of sorts, I think I’ll celebrate by going over what I’ve done with this identity. From the original NuAngel’s Helping Hand (which can be seen by looking up on, to 3dfx drivers, to (stay tuned tonight and tomorrow for updates on that).

Thanks to all of you for your support, and for keeping in contact with me, all these years. It’s becauses of genuine friendships forged in the ether that I still maintain this same identity and use it as often as possible, wherever I can.

You can find me at:

And I’m sure there are many more places I forget about. So look me up, and let’s talk – I always love meeting more and more people, and after 13 years, I hope it’ll only keep getting easier to find me!