15 year old Killed by Ignorant Gamer? Timeout.

I was pointed to this article, today, which will no doubt be picked up FoxNews and countless other websites… I’m sure they’ll want to know the game being played at the time, as well… The headline reads “Video game linked to fatal shooting of 15-year-old.” The video game wasn’t the cause, it was an impatient and IGNORANT 18 year old. He may have been in shock the instant after it happened, but according the article he pulled the trigger twice. He had time to rethink his actions. But he killed a kid over a video game.

Games aren’t to blame, impatience, ignorance, and our still crap-tacular gun laws are. I’m all for gun owners, but there are far too many unregistered weapons in this country.

I need a time out. Lucky for me, I’m out of town this weekend. I was originally planning on making a post telling everyone how excited I was about the recent surge of BKAG submissions, and how I can’t wait to do more, and how I’ll try to update from the road… but I thought this was more important. With my out of town status, I’ll be posting updates and new interviews if I get the chance, but the rest of today will be WinBreak.com’s moment of silence, in honor young Olivier Baptiste, unless I come up with anything related to this specific article.