Unscripted 360 CARES about more than just readers!

Maybe it’s just not on the news, but I just don’t hear about this stuff very often. A family, without renter’s insurance, got robbed last week, in the middle of the day. Adults at work, kids at school, BAM. TV, laptop, everything… just like a team of movers stopped by.

Well, here’s the fun part. I found out about this through my involvement with the Xbox community.

DeaconBlade 360, the host and founder of Unscripted 360, posted the story on his blog. A) Because he knew the family. B) Because one of the kids saved up his own money to buy his own Xbox 360, and a week later it gets stolen.

One of the users on the site, TheRhymeScheme, came up with the idea of setting up a fund to get this kid a new 360. I seconded the notion, and away we went. We’re getting close, and have the support of KonsoleKingz.com, and are spreading the word even higher up the chain – but for now, we’re just kind of doing what we can.

People here have made donations to my former websiteNuAngel.net, others in websites I am a member of have simply and genuinely helped me in a time of need. “Pay It Forward” (not the movie) is important to me, the idea of helping people, who may in turn help someone else… showing that not everybody is BAD.

This isn’t some armless legless goatless boy in kurblakastan, or some huge scheme – I know these people, I talk to them over the phone regularly, play games with them on Xbox Live, will be meeting them this fall @ PAX… the robbery made local news in Dallas, TX. We will be getting photos of the “gift giving” when it’s all said and done. It’s legit.

Podcast where we (Deacon, myself, and others) talk about it in the first couple of minutes of the show.
That podcast link also contains the link to the original thread where we began the discussion.

The thread on U360 forums.

The Donation Link (PayPal) is embedded in the original post, and the podcast post, and at the top of MY post, here on WinBreak.com. Once you log in to PayPal, just tell’em NuAngel sent ya (“additional comments” right before you complete the transaction)!

Just wanted y’all to know.