Taking Mobile Gaming Seriously

I admit it. As a first generation console gamer, the closest thing to “mobile” gaming I ever got in to was the Gameboy, but I haven’t taken mobile gaming seriously. I didn’t get interested in the Nintendo DS, and with millions of units sold, perhaps I missed the boat. I then went to PC gaming because consoles didn’t have the graphics I wanted, I needed the power of the PC. I then got tired (and ran out of money) when upgrading my computer every six months became the norm, and went back to console games with the current generation. However, as I mentioned last week, I recently purchased an iPad and I’m finally getting my hands on a game I’ve heard a lot about: Infinity Blade II. It’s time to find out if gaming on the iPad is really as big of a step down as people sometimes make it sound.

For anyone who doesn’t know, Infinity Blade II is the game made by Chair & Epic Games (yes, the developers behind Gears of War and Unreal). I finally checked the game out, and even though I haven’t gotten too far in to the game, I’ve had enough time to develop a few impressions. The game is certainly beautiful. I showed it to a co-worker who thought the introduction to the game was a pre-rendered cinematic, until I had the option to take control. Infinity Blade II really makes me begin to take a second look at mobile gaming. Tablets might have more tricks up their sleeves in the coming months and years, but what was an glaringly obvious detractor from the beauty of the game was the control scheme. Let me expand on both.

When you start playing Infinity Blade II, it is easy to get wrapped up in the beauty of it. Volumetric lighting and amorphic shadows that were physics challenges that would crush a video card only a decade ago are pulled off with ease. Particle effects in the form of leaves floating on the breeze catch your eye, and sunlight poking out from behind clouds makes you want to just loaf around all day and look for animal shapes in the clouds. The environments are crafted and detailed with precision and look as though you could stroll through your locale and enjoy it. Now, as I said, I’m still fairly early in the game, but so far the game has one major down side: it’s essentially on rails! The beautiful environments are cookie cutter models which might look nice from other angles, but are only made to be seen from one.

The on rails design may alleviate the need for a complex control screen, and thus draw in more of a casual crowd who wants to view the graphical opus that Epic’s Unreal Engine hath brought to the iPad. But giving me the ability to look left and right then tap to fight my next battle doesn’t exactly give me the kind of control I was hoping to see from an Unreal engine game.

When you have Unreal’s technology behind a game, it is hard to know what to expect. It has been used for swimming-sidescrollers, like Xbox Live Arcade’s Undertow, mega hit 3rd person titles like Batman: Arkham City, and smaller indie games like Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars from Psyonix. And, when you look at Infinity Blade II, it’s easy to get swept up in the high end tricks like lighting and shadows… but the basics are lacking. The overall Polygon Count on the screen is much lower than one might think. This is accomplished by making a few features of the models on the screen a bit blockier than one might expect, and hiding the characters more personable qualities, like their faces, behind their armor. The high resolution textures make up for a lack of polygons, and the lack of polygons (since there is no need to worry about facial animations) make for very smooth performance. It is an interesting set of trade offs and design choices which give the game a slightly more polished look than you would think it should have.

Infinity Blade II is by no means a bad game. Contrary to what I’ve heard from others, this and its predecessor serve as more than just tech demos for the iPad, as well. They should really give everyone a keen sense of what can be done on the iPad, and some of the best techniques for doing so. While I still think the future of mobile gaming is going to rest on the shoulders of platforms like OnLive, I have to admit that Infinity Blade II impressed me in more ways than it let me down. This only opens the door for more possibilities and makes me turn my eyes to what will be next for tablet gaming, outside of tower destroying, string cutting, word-swapping “casual” games. We’ll find out together!

Getting back to PC gaming


Thanks to a recent 24 hour deal on Steam, I have a suddenly renewed interest in PC gaming. Nothing new or cutting edge, but just sitting down with a mouse and keyboard and playing something from my past. True, a few recent games on GoG, for example, Wing Commander IV, have made me want to sit at they keyboard and get lost in some Sci-Fi, but nothing beats the classics like the first person shooters from id Software.

id is the company who really birthed and gave rise to the first person shooter genre. And when Steam had a short lived sale to get every game they ever made for fifty dollars, I jumped out of bed in the middle of the night to buy it! I randomly crave a classic like Wolfenstein 3D, or DooM II, or even a newer title like Quake IV is sometimes called on to quench an unexplained thirst. And Steam is the platform that is giving me more hope for PC gaming. I moved back to consoles because I was tired of keeping up with the hardware demands of modern PC gaming. But with Steam I can play my classics with convenient access to newer titles. I didn’t intend for this to become a commercial for Steam, but I have a feeling that my id Software collection, along with my Half-Life Game of the Year Edition & Half-Life 2 bundles, and all of the instant and constant access to those titles may, may just start to swing me gently back towards a forgotten friend: gaming on my PC.

When did movie tie in games get good?


A couple of years ago, X-Men Origins: Wolverine was released. This game was the beginning of Marvel Comics’ rebirth in the video games industry. There had been some decent games (Marvel Ultimate Alliance), and there had been some crap (every other Spider-Man game in recent years, with some exceptions) before then. But when I played X-Men Origins Wolverine, I found myself replaying it over and over. The story was alright, engaging enough, but the game play mechanics and the violence levels really let everyone know the game was not your run of the mill “fun for the whole family, lets make a buck off the movie franchise” tie-in game. The game made you feel like a bad ass. The mechanics were simple, it was an old school beatem up brawler, but with long leaps, visceral thrashing, and adamantium claws. More recently, the Captain America: Super Soldier game was released. Now, I’ll admit I’m behind the times finally getting to it (several months late at this point), but I’m already hurting when I see it in bargain bins. It’s a fantastic title, with relatively good graphics, far voice acting, and (once again) EXCELLENT gameplay.

What the games lack in some triple-A game franchise appeal, they more than make up for in being down right good games. For anyone shying away from comic book or movie tie in video games, I have to say don’t stray too far away. You might want to give them another look (especially at their discounted prices). You may find something that surprises you.

Price Drop on Windows Phone 7 games

A few weeks ago, what I thought was just a short term sale turned about to be a price drop for some of the ‘greatest hit’ Xbox Live games on Windows Phone 7. You can now get Angry Birds, Max and the Magic Marker, Toy Soldier, and severl other great games at their new reduced price: 99 cents!

A not-always-easy-to-find page was put up on Xbox.com celebrating the price drop. Head in to the Windows Phone Marketplace and find yourself some deals!