Exchange error 421.4.4.2, unable to connect, Attempted to failover… Fixed!

Users complain that they can’t send email. You dig through your exchange queues and logs, and you stumble across this:
451 4.4.0 primary target IP address responded with “421.4.4.2 unable to connect.” Attempted failover to alternate host, but that did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all alternate hosts.

The root cause of this is that something, be it a hardware or software firewall, or antivirus product, something is blocking outbound traffic on port 25.

You ready for me to read your mind? In our particular case, and in at least 3 other cases I have confirmed with other IT persons, we had installed antivirus software from McAfee on our Exchange server. McAfee has a feature which watches for Mass Mailing worms – this is great on your desktop! But not so great on your Exchange server, as all of your SMTP outbound mail needs to leave on port 25. McAfee’s software does this by watching for outbound traffic on Port 25. Although I don’t know what the exact threshold is, eventually it decides there is too much traffic, assumes your computer may be infected, closes the port on your computer (in this case, our Server), and mail stops flowing. Here is my solution for the McAfee software:

All you need to do to fix this is open up McAfee from the System Tray, then find the Access Protection Properties, they look like the menu pictured above. Then choose Antivirus Standard Protection on the left, and uncheck Prevent Mass Mailing Worms from sending mail on the right. I would uncheck both the BLOCK and REPORT options, otherwise you can expect some pretty large log files.

I first encountered this and posted a solution on TechNet in October, but thought it was worth revisiting as it was a heck of a process to narrow down! At least one user there has confirmed it to be the solution for them.

1976-2006 – Rocky movie saga

I pounced on an Amazon Goldbox deal… about 3 years ago… and never watched the box set I bought. So, recently, I sat down and watched a crapload of Rocky movies! You can, too, with Rocky: The Undisputed Collection.

Sure, everybody knows Rocky. The Stallone movies about a boxer. They introduced the world to Mr. T, they got Hulk Hogan do a role as Thunder Lips, and, in my opinion, put an end to the Cold War.

Ready for some spoilers? Did you know that Rocky doesn’t win every fight he’s in? Did you know Adrian, his wife, died? Did you know Rocky owned a restaurant? Did you know there was a time when his trainer, Mick, didn’t have a hearing aid? Each movie has a great story – even the newest, Rocky Balboa. The final chapter in the Rocky saga, Rocky (and Sly Stallone) shows he’s still got something left, even though it ends similarly to the first movie. Become a Rocky trivia master. If you’re looking to collect them in hi def, Rocky: The Undisputed Collection is your best bet.

Holodeck in your living room? IllumiRoom says yes!

The future is… well, okay, it’s not here, yet. But if this is what it’s going to look like? I’m buying in. Holodeck Alpha 0.1, complete.

Although I love the simple effects like snow, or even seeing the outline of the map, one of my favorite effects was when firing the weapon, it appeared to distort the rest of the room with a shockwave. I can’t wait for something like this!

Just when you think you've caught up

I never finished Assassin’s Creed III before going off on my vacation. Desmond must’ve saved us all from the end of the world, though, so that’s good news. But while I was on break, all of my friends played Zombies in Black Ops II. A lot. And now I’m hooked. So, I go out and buy BlOps2. And of course, Microsoft had that crazy-good sale putting the award winning Walking Dead game on sale so that all of the chapters, combined, were only $10! Let’s also not forget that I shelled out a few hard earned dollars to replace the AC adapter I couldn’t find, for my NES, and now I’m tempted to play the classic Pro Wrestling for days at a time!

Then Nintendo goes and puts a ZombiU demo out for the Wii U, like I wasn’t tempted enough – with all of the price matching battles going on suddenly. I don’t know where to begin! The backorder is in full effect. I think I know what some of my weekend plans are going to entail. I just need to figure out how to plan the attack.