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Just when you think you've caught up

I never finished Assassin’s Creed III before going off on my vacation. Desmond must’ve saved us all from the end of the world, though, so that’s good news. But while I was on break, all of my friends played Zombies in Black Ops II. A lot. And now I’m hooked. So, I go out and buy BlOps2. And of course, Microsoft had that crazy-good sale putting the award winning Walking Dead game on sale so that all of the chapters, combined, were only $10! Let’s also not forget that I shelled out a few hard earned dollars to replace the AC adapter I couldn’t find, for my NES, and now I’m tempted to play the classic Pro Wrestling for days at a time!

Then Nintendo goes and puts a ZombiU demo out for the Wii U, like I wasn’t tempted enough – with all of the price matching battles going on suddenly. I don’t know where to begin! The backorder is in full effect. I think I know what some of my weekend plans are going to entail. I just need to figure out how to plan the attack.

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