So on the Windows 8 Start Screen (with all of the large tiles) – what is the fastest way to find and launch an application? Simple! Pin it to the Start Menu! You may wonder how to get about doing that, when you can’t find an application to begin with! Here is an easy way to find applications, and how to pin them (as of the Release Preview) to the new Start Menu:
- From the main Start Menu, simply start typing anything (I suggest the word Note, as though your were searching for Notepad).
- Press the Escape key on your keyboard to see the full list of applications.
- Find the App you would like to Pin (we’ll use Paint for our Example) and hover your mouse over it.
- Right Click on it (notice the Green check mark that appears).
- Left click on the option in the lower left corner of the screen, to “Pin to Start.”
- Press the Windows Key on your keyboard, and you’ll be back at the main Start Menu, and you should see your newly pinned application.