The picture above was discovered months ago by the folks at Joystiq. These thigns were wiped from the Marketplace a long while ago. But I figured, with the game launching
soon, they might just reappear. And sure enough, yesterday, they did.
Everyone paying attention to ODST knows that Sgt. Johnson will be available to players in Firefight Mode as a bonus download for preordering. Haven’t preordered the game? Want Sgt. Johnson? Rich? Go ahead, try and download him! “Something Special” – when plugged in to everyone’s favorite search engine, reveals that the “Something Special” DLC is actually none other than Sgt. Johnson – now for the remarkably low price of 99999
It should be noted that these items do not show up with the rest of the game’s Marketplace Content.
UPDATE 1: Something popped in to my head today. Will still can’t verify exactly what “EN Dolphin Data” was – but in the recent Bungie Day ’09 Podcast, someone (I don’t recall who) had mentioned that there may be another piece of DLC. Well, nobody specifically mentioned DLC, but they mentioned that there may be a use for your Halo PC “yellow sticker” CD-Keys. I believe he was meaning those keys for the Halo 2 “Games for Windows Live” game, and not just “Halo CE” keys from a decade ago. But the game’s “CD-Key” is, infact, 5 sets of 5 characters (a “5-by-5” if you will)… the same as the codes for the Xbox Live Marketplace. It’s very likely that, whatever this Dolphin Content is, might be unlocked by Halo 2’s CDKey. But what will it be? This 4MB file of “EN Dolphin Data” could be it, but who knows exactly WHAT it is? Perhaps I’ll give that a shot? Looks like it’s still wait and see…