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Wii for Rehab, another quaint story…

I could be reporting on the three people who were tied up while their house was robbed of their Playstation 3. I could, but I like nice stories. Wichita Falls TimesRecordNews is running an article about a local physical therapist using Wii Fit to keep her young patients active and engaged in their therapy. We’ve heard similar reports before, and even seen the Wii pop up in retirement communities to keep seniors active. My own grandmother had her first Wii Bowling lesson this weekend!

The article does a great job of explaining how the young patients don’t even think of things like Wii Fit as Therapy, and look forward to it. While I can’t imagine there’s anyone still out there who doubts the way the Wii is breaking new ground and tearing down walls, this article is one of many great arguing points for anyone trying to persuade employers, boards of directors, or funds committees that the Wii can serve a purpose beyond “video games.”

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